Holidays With A Newborn

Holidays With A Newborn

For families with a newborn, the holiday season can bring exciting “firsts” but also new considerations and even some stress. To focus on the joy and try to minimize the hassle, here are some tips for managing these busy months with your new baby.

A newborn sleeps in front of a snowy scene at a photo studio.

Put Your Needs First

Especially when you celebrate with extended families, holiday planning can be require juggling many people’s needs and preferences. There have probably been some years when you’ve been an excellent team player, offering flexibility and a go-with-the-flow attitude to accommodate others’ needs. With a newborn, this does not have to be one of those years. It’s absolutely okay to put the needs of your immediate family first. If that means skipping a family gathering, coming late, or leaving early, that’s fine. This is a season of life where you can focus on what’s best for your immediate crew.

Create New Traditions

As your family grows, you have the exciting opportunity to create new traditions and involve your baby in your favorite activities. Be sure to leave plenty of time to celebrate the holidays in your own way, with your immediate family. And be sure to take lots of photos to remember this special season with your newborn.

Keep It Simple

While it can be fun to add some new traditions and ways of celebrating, this is also a great time to simplify your holiday plans and expectations. What can be cut from your usual list of plans, tasks, and events? Might it be possible to miss that work party? Is this a good year to skip sending holiday cards? Maybe buy a special dessert from a favorite bakery instead of making that pie from scratch? This is a great time to evaluate your priorities and preferences, and push aside anything that doesn’t feel critical.

Protect Your Energy

With a new baby, large gatherings can be challenging. Inevitably, lots of people will be excited to meet and hold your newest family member. Being the center of attention is exciting for some parents, and unwelcome for others. Prior to any gatherings, try to envision how this extra interaction will make you feel. If lots of social contact energizes you, great! Enjoy the festivities and take full advantage of the opportunity to introduce your baby to all in attendance. If large gatherings tend to drain your energy, try to build in some time to rest and settle afterwards. Perhaps one event per day is better than bouncing to several places consecutively. Also keep in mind that, with a newborn, you’ll be heading into this holiday season feeling more tired than usual, so you may need extra time to recharge.

Whatever holidays you celebrate, and however you celebrate them, I wish you a joyful and healthy season! If you could use help brainstorming the logistics of holiday gatherings, travel, feeding schedules, or any other planning, reach out today to schedule a virtual postpartum support session. We can take the stress out of your preparations and leave space for happy memories to be created.

About the Doula

Kathleen Robbins is a postpartum doula in St. Louis, MO. Not local to that area? Kathleen works with families in any location through virtual and texting support. Reach out today to learn more.

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